Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ringback Tones - Have Fun Playing With Them!

If you are like many technophiles you love your mobile phone. Your cell phone is your lifeline to the rest of the world. You are connected to your friends, family, and work opportunities at any time you want. Like many people you probably cherish the features on your cellular phone like camera, video, text, and games. You may even have your favorite ringtones play when someone calls you, but if you don't have a Ringback Tone you haven't fully optimized your phone.

They are tones that play when someone calls you. Instead of hearing a dialing sound the person calling you hears your favorite tunes. This instantly separates you from the crowd and states that you are on top of the latest technologies and like to have fun. They can be had with almost any carrier and with a little work can often be found for free.

Some carriers have given their version a unique names. For instance Cingular calls their ringbacks Answer Tones and Sprint has named their Ringback Tones Call Tones. No matter what the name they are the same thing. For whatever reason some companies like to keep things proprietary in the hopes it will help their market share when in reality all they are doing is causing confusion.

You won't have trouble finding the most popular because the carriers and providers have done an excellent job of keeping up with the music trends - just like they have done with them. Some phones even allow you to play specific Ringback Tones to individuals. That way you can play one fun tone to your friends while playing something a little more personal to your sweetheart.

These tones are the hottest thing in mobile technology right now and will soon become a mainstay of phone service. In the future you will tell your grandkids how you had to listen to boring dialing sounds when you called someone instead of a fun ringback tone

More Into Touchscreens

The touchscreen technology has no doubt comes a long way over the years. It started as an invention of Jason Ford of EloTouchSystems which, by 1971, birthed the first touch sensor invented by the company's founder, Doctor Sam Hurst, an instructor in The University of Kentucky. This sensor was later patented by the university's Research Foundation and became a milestone for the further development of touchscreen technology. Three years later, a touch screen device, closest to what we know today, was invented by the same company and founder. This time, the latest technology came with a transparent surface. By 1977, they invented and patented their five-wire resistive technology which is now the most widely used touch screen technology the world over.

Aside from its sleek appearance, touchscreens today are very useful. The technology itself can be awesome and useful in any given circumstances. As a matter of fact, it is a perfect tool to perform various business operations with just a touch of your fingers. Whether for personal or business use, this technology has many properties to offer and can be of great advantage compared to other primitive computer devices.

One great advantage of touchscreens is their requirement for little space. When you have a touchscreen, there is no need for peripheral devices such as a keyboard and a mouse. All functions of a touchscreen are built within itself, so people don't have to use an external gadget to be able to use it. The display screen itself is not only an output device (relays information from computer to user) but it is also the input device (relays information from user to computer). Thus, people find this technology so much easier and more convenient to use. On top of this, touchscreens can be easily mounted on a wall. Again, this is a great advantage, especially for businessmen who don't have all that space in their place of business.

As far as consumer experience is concerned, touchscreens allow easy manipulation and they tend to encourage people to use them more often. A touchscreen display at the mall, for example, allows shoppers to easily find the location they would want to visit. Imagine, if a person has to use a typical computer with a mouse and a keyboard, it may be too hassle for him to scroll the pointer all the way to where he would want to explore. Somebody who is not so used with these machines won't probably bother to inquire about the exact location of a certain store within the mall. In the long run, if there were many people who would want to go to a particular store and encountered this difficulty using a typical computer, that store would have lost significant sales. Ease of use is definitely an advantage of this technology, especially when used for business purposes.

If you have just developed a product and you are considering selling for royalties or mass-producing it yourself, give it a lot of thought, although essentially, nothing will change. Whether you decide to be an inventor-for-royalties or an entrepreneurial inventor, nothing can change the fact that you invented that product and you deserve to be proud of it.

Touch Screen - The New Technology

Technology is progressing constantly and with this it is introducing new changes every day. In fact, it is technology that has largely made things easier for men. Touch screen technology is one of the wonders of the modern world that has now become a part of our life. There are different electronic devices that have this technology and they prove to be really very beneficial. Touch screen technology has been in the market for quite a few years now and its amazing wonders have really changed the lives of men. If you have not yet bought yourself a touch screen device, then it is high time that you go and get one.

The touch screen technology was originally developed mainly to be used in air traffic control and in nuclear power plants. However, with time, its uses have largely increased and now it has become one of the most important methods of spreading the use of digital media. The advent of this technology has greatly minimized the usage of the mouse and the keyboard. As a result, the people who lacked expertise in handling these devices can now use digital devices just by the touch of a finger.

This technology has been applied to various devices in the present world. Touch screen technology simply requires the touch of a finger to get a particular function done. The sensors are highly sensitive and there is not the need of even applying pressure. The surface is actually designed to be so flexible that it can easily recognize a contact on a particular part on the screen. On the basis of this recognition a function is actuated. This technology also functions at high speed and efficiency as a result of which the response time is extremely low. In fact, the device responds by performing the function immediately with the time difference being negligible. This in turn speeds up the flow of information. Any kind of information that is required immediately is processed within nanoseconds.

Touch screen technology also makes navigation very easy. Using this technology in a device like a cell phone does not require keys to begin a particular function. In most cases, you would be given a special pen which you require to touch the screen with to operate the phone. At times, fingers can also replace the function of that pen. Thus this is highly a user-friendly facility that is present in most of the latest devices of today.

The touch screen technology is largely used in many different fields, right from the big industrial houses to banks and other organizations. It is very practical in nature and even an ordinary individual can make use of this technology by owning a cell phone. Many people are taking full advantage of this technology in their everyday life. The future will certainly see the application of the touch screen technology on a much larger scale. We are likely to see a number of wonders of this technology in the coming years.

Cellphones, Mobile, and Technology

Technology has changed how the world lives, works and communicates in the 21st century. Cellular phone technology has been instrumental in bringing the world together. Now a days, people want to be in touch with each other all the time, and mobile phones have made this all possible.

Nokia is the leading provider and manufacturer of mobile communication technology in the world, and they continue to expand the horizon of communication devices. They provide the tools that enable people to stay connected and merging Nokia with Wi-Fi technology has taken all of this to a whole new level.

Nokia phones are famous for being loaded with features and ease of use functions. Even with Wi-Fi phones, the normal speed is amazingly consistent and stable. High speed internet can be used through either the AMOLED or TFT screens, and the design is compact and durable.

Nokia Wi-Fi phones also come with mega pixel cameras along with a host of other features including mp3 and mp4 players. Internet connectivity is available almost everywhere, and the speed of downloads is amazing.

They also come with bluetooth capability, and this helps to send large files faster than conventional ways. Fast and direct text messaging is available through both MMS and SMS platforms, and young subscribers rely on a stable text messaging service.

Those on the road as well as working professionals appreciate the features Wi-Fi phones offer, and they are an invaluable resource to have while traveling. Access to reservations, itineraries, hotels, services and anything else imaginable is possible.

Since the internet has become an essential part of life, keeping business moving with Wi-Fi is also a benefit. Sending emails from anywhere and keeping communication open frees time and saves money.

Whether for sending pictures or transmitting multi million dollar contracts, Wi-Fi technology is changing how the world works and interacts. And this technology will be the standard for a long time to come.

Technology in a rapidly changing world

These days, businesses are more reliant than ever before on technology, to help improve communications and to maximise efficiency in the workplace. The increased use of the internet, email and mobile technology has revolutionised the way companies operate and made IT a critical factor in building and maintaining a successful company. Yet still even today too many companies think of technology as a necessary evil rather than truly embracing all the opportunities it can bring to make organisations more efficient.

In the past companies may have been able to get away with paying lip service to IT but in the fast changing modern world this will no longer be possible. Now, with the convergence of voice and data and the much greater reliance of mobile communications, it is crucial for all businesses to urgently develop a coordinated IT Strategy.

Of course historically, companies tend to regard telecoms and data networking as being from separate budgets, but because of converging networks and the opportunities that VoIP can offer (Voice over Internet Protocol), it is no longer possible to look at them in isolation. In fact given the increased importance of remote working and the need to make sure all staff work as effectively as possible, these days companies really have no choice. The simple truth is if you don't embrace change now, your competitors will.

The changes in business working we have seen over the last 10 years are very much only the beginning of what will happen over the next decade. At every level, faster and more accessible communication will be key. It is anticipated that in only a few years time approximately 75% of all phone calls will be made over an IP network. The converged network is here to stay and the only real choice is not if, but when you are going to embrace it. With globalisation, the increased use of home workers and the more flexible working environment; access to information needs to be seamless and instant.

Whilst the notion of the "paperless" office may not be a reality in the true sense, the need for electronic document systems (EDM) that can allow staff to access a wide range of documents wherever they may be in the world will only increase in the future. In an ever more competitive world, customers will be drawn to businesses that make communication with them (including buying and selling) as easy as possible. Good technology used properly will reflect well on your business and can help motivate your staff by taking some of the drudgery out of their day to day tasks.

Increasingly websites that used to be used merely as a "shop window" will now be more integrated with other back office systems. In the airline industry you don't just book your flight online but also choose your seat, order your meal and even "check in". In less than 5 years, airline tickets have become redundant and administrative processes have been radically streamlined to maximise efficiency.

This integration of the internet with other business processes will only become a lot more important as web use increases. Clients will want to have full visibility of every part of their interaction with your company. Once again easy access to information and the sharing of knowledge will be the key.

Of course with increased compliance legislation and the need for Business Continuity Planning, technology can also provide a crucial back up in the event of an unforeseen disaster. With the proper storage of electronic data and the rerouting of voice and data over the internet, many companies can in effect be lifted from one location and taken to another with minimal disruption. In the recent flooding in 2007, Disaster Recovery became not just an intellectual exercise but an unfortunate reality for hundreds of local businesses.

Technology therefore must be embraced by all of the decision makers in a company and their views properly coordinated to enjoy all the benefits it can offer. Don't think of IT simply as a cost but more as a real opportunity to drive efficiency into your business. Currently many organisations are still too reactive and fail to think strategically enough about how the world is changing and how their business is changing with it. We are now ten years into the 21st century and the rate of change is only going to increase not slow down.

Maybe now you can see why getting a Strategic IT Road Map for your business is not a "nice to have" but in the modern day and age is simply a necessity. I suggest you review your company's existing IT Support and maybe consider Outsourcing your IT as a cost saving exercise. There are many companies out there who offer a full Managed Service Provision who could potentially improve your business efficiency enormously. These days your systems can be monitored 24x7, 365 days a year with a much more proactive approach to IT management.

As a final example, think of the mobile phone you have today and compare it to the one you had 5 years ago. The functionality of that device will have changed enormously and emphasises again just how fast technology is moving. And by the way if your current "phone" still doesn't allow you access to the internet and can't push your emails to you automatically, you are now already several years behind the game!

WikiLeaks - What's really happening?

A Washington Post titled "WikiLeaks avoid shutdown as supporters worldwide go on offensive" got me thinking about this whole thing. What's happening there?

Over the past several days, the anti-secrecy Web site WikiLeaks has been hit with a series of blows that have seemed to threaten its survival. Its primary Web address was deactivated, its PayPal account was frozen and its Internet server gave it the boot.

The result: WikiLeaks is now stronger than ever, at least as measured by its ability to publish online.

Blocked from using one Internet host, WikiLeaks simply jumped to another. Meanwhile, the number of"mirror" Web sites - effectively clones of WikiLeaks' main contents pages - grew from a few dozen last week to 200 by Sunday. By early Wednesday, the number of such sites surpassed 1,000.

At the same time, WikiLeaks' supporters have apparently gone on the offensive, staging retaliatory attacks against Internet companies that have cut ties to the group, as well as other perceived enemies. On Wednesday, hackers briefly shut down access to the Web site for MasterCard, which announced it had stopped processing donations to the group.

WikiLeaks' long-term survival depends on a number of unknowns, including the fate of its principal founder, Julian Assange, who is being held in Britain while awaiting possible extradition to Sweden related to sexual assault allegations. But the Web site's resilience in the face of repeated attacks has underscored a lesson already absorbed by more repressive governments that have tried to control the Internet: It is nearly impossible to do.

Experts, including some of the modern online world's chief architects, say the very design of the Web makes it difficult for WikiLeaks' opponents to shut it down for more than a few hours.

"The Internet is an extremely open system with very low barriers to access and use," said Vint Cerf, Google's vice president and the co-author of the TCP/IP system, the basic language of computer-to-computer communication over the Internet. "The ease of moving digital information around makes it very difficult to suppress, once it is accessible."