Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ringback Tones - Have Fun Playing With Them!

If you are like many technophiles you love your mobile phone. Your cell phone is your lifeline to the rest of the world. You are connected to your friends, family, and work opportunities at any time you want. Like many people you probably cherish the features on your cellular phone like camera, video, text, and games. You may even have your favorite ringtones play when someone calls you, but if you don't have a Ringback Tone you haven't fully optimized your phone.

They are tones that play when someone calls you. Instead of hearing a dialing sound the person calling you hears your favorite tunes. This instantly separates you from the crowd and states that you are on top of the latest technologies and like to have fun. They can be had with almost any carrier and with a little work can often be found for free.

Some carriers have given their version a unique names. For instance Cingular calls their ringbacks Answer Tones and Sprint has named their Ringback Tones Call Tones. No matter what the name they are the same thing. For whatever reason some companies like to keep things proprietary in the hopes it will help their market share when in reality all they are doing is causing confusion.

You won't have trouble finding the most popular because the carriers and providers have done an excellent job of keeping up with the music trends - just like they have done with them. Some phones even allow you to play specific Ringback Tones to individuals. That way you can play one fun tone to your friends while playing something a little more personal to your sweetheart.

These tones are the hottest thing in mobile technology right now and will soon become a mainstay of phone service. In the future you will tell your grandkids how you had to listen to boring dialing sounds when you called someone instead of a fun ringback tone

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